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Do you want to use LinkedIn as a platform for lead generation and have no idea what the first step is?


YES? Well, you’re in the right place!


We’ve spent the last 11+ years building new sales channels and people into LinkedIn Lead Generation. We have experienced the ups and downs, trials and tribulations and adversities of Lead Generation and Sales and I know one thing for sure – it takes grit, focus and tenacity to get to your targets.  I also know that if you don’t get the right information, you will never move from the start line and I know that is not what you want.  That is why we created the LinkedIn Lead Machine. 

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My Story

Hi, I'm Dr. Giulia Tufaru, founder of LinkedIn Lead Machine. 


If you’re anything like the people I work with, you spend daily time on LinkedIn and you see the massive potential of this outstanding community of professionals and companies.  


But perhaps, like many other business owners, experts, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants that I talk to every single day… LinkedIn marketing, searching for leads, converting them and all the LinkedIn Algorithms kind of overwhelms you. So you end up not taking action… or taking the wrong action on LinkedIn.. And your LinkedIn brand, your content and lead generation activity taps into only a little fraction of that that it could and you end up helping only a little number of those that you could.


I know from experience there’s nothing more frustrating than being the “best kept secret on LinkedIn” and access the platform with the daily stress of not knowing what to do and how to do it and when to do it.


I’ve definitely been there. 


And I bet I’m a lot like you. You’ve spent time on the platform, daily, weekly, monthly and you have a message and valuable resources and services that can really help a lot of people. IF ONLY you could work out how to get out there on LinkedIn in a bigger way and create a formula to  generate hundreds of high quality leads every day.


Unfortunately, most training out there only gives a SINGLE piece of the puzzle - whether it is content creation like articles, newsletters and pulse or profile optimization, but what they lack is a big picture for you for the Organic LinkedIn Lead Generation, so you end up wasting precious time, effort and focus jumping from action to action with no overall strategy to guide you.


So many digital “entrepreneurs” who call themselves ‘guru’s’ will paint a different picture to what I am  painting. They will tell you that the LinkedIn Lead Generation will miraculously happen – a few tweaks to your profile, some videos and pictures now and then, and you are on your way to a 6-figure business.  I wish that was true, but it isn’t.  


My goal for you is to educate yourself on the lead generation journey, whether you have no idea on how it’s done or you're doing it already and want to acquire some more high-level education and in-depth technical knowledge, the LinkedIn Lead Machine platform will help you on many levels.




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

WhatsApp: +40 76 48 63 588

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